According to the Berlin Senate Youth Administration, in the year of 2023 far more than 2,200 young people without legal guardians arrived in Berlin who are between 15 and 17 years old. They usually have arduous journeys behind them and often struggle with traumatic experiences. There is a lack of accommodation, school places, social workers and guardians. In 2015, the height of the refugee crisis, more than 4,000 underage refugees came to Berlin.

The Berlin Refugee Council warns: young refugees have to wait too long until they get a perspective. This is confirmed by professionals working with those affected. Their common conclusion: there is a lack of everything young refugees in Berlin need.

"Dreams in Germany " is a long-term portrait project, each portait consists of several layers, some walk-in photo collages of young people with different escape stories. They share their previous experiences in Germany: what is their personal "German Dream "? What hurdles do their face? What small or big miracles have they experienced, where did they get help and support, what do they hope for?


Portrait installation of young refugees in Germany, opening in the art cube Kunstleerer Raum, Würzburg, Germany in November 2023

Shortlisted and winner of the Art Cube Prize 2024, juried by "Kunstleerer Raum", Dr. Jürgen Emmert, director of Museum am Dom and Dr. Marlene Lauter, former director of Museum im Kulturspeicher
